This is improper Spanish.
The statemwent "Tú eres muy bueno" by itself addressing a man or boy means "You are a very good person". The same statement can also mean "you are very good at..."
"[Tú] eres muy bueno en el béisbol" = You are very good at Baseball.
"Tu es mu bueno" literally translates to "Your is moo good"
tu dois ... means 'you must / you have to ...' or 'you owe ...' when speaking about money.
Tu as quel cours le matin means "What courses do you have in the morning?".
Tu as des cours mardi matin means 'do you have class on Tuesday morning?'
Translation: You have a very big cat in your pants
"What are you liking best to do?"
very good
You and I are going to fight and that's not right.
"Es bueno, gracias."
You are the best
You would answer with Mi profesor es.. Ejemplos Mi profesor es bueno. Mi profesor es malo. Mi profesor es inteligente. etc.
Tu es âgé means : you are old
Tu es pardonne You are forgiven
"Tu es la ..." means "you are the ...". "Tu es là" (accented "à") means you are here.
Tu es incroyable means 'you are incredible'
If you mean… ¿Cuándo es tu cumpleaños? … then that is Spanish for, "When is your birthday?"
cal es tu nombre means what is your number?
"Tu es d'accord" means "you agree" in French.