You need to check the spelling of the word you wrote. Gratude is not an English word. Gratitude means thankful. Graduate means to has passed an examination or obstacle.
Divergence: rate of spread of vector in free space for non closed path. and Curl: rate of spread of vector in free space for closed path.
The path of an airplane flying north as it crosses an east-bound highway.
The only thing I can think of is a lobbed shot at the basket will approximately follow the path of a parabola, which is one of the conic sections.
It means to split apart from a common path. To go off in a different direction from the original course. Such as--> On my journey home, I diverged to the store.
OBSTACLE : a block, impediment, or obstruction to a physical path or other process. Example : "The fallen tree was a dangerous obstacle on the highway." Example : "The mayor's refusal to participate was an obstacle to changing the town charter."
They were eliminating a future obstacle in their path.
Answer this question…Hawaii's large nonwhite population
A few ants work together to push it out of the way
Drag is the force exerted by a fluid stream on any obstacle in its path or felt by an object moving through a fluid.
His strength and determination helped him overcome every obstacle in his path.
No. They're not really even close.
Path and Pathy mean: feeling and suffering. Examples: empathy and telepathy
1) In electrical terms, it is the completion of an electrical path as far as wiring goes. 2) It is a path or course taken in some task, such as an obstacle course with different stations along the way. Or the route taken by someone, such as the mailman or a travelling circus or other persons who travel a given path.
"path includes"
Not to my understanding, a path is something you walk on.
obstacle of reading