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Simple interest.

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Q: What calculates the payments for loan based on constant payment at a constant interest rate?
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Will an interest only loan calculator help me determine my monthly payments?

An interest only loan calculator will not help you to determine your overall monthly payments. This will only calculate your total interest payment. To know the total cost of your loan use a loan calculator.

How should a calculator be used to compare mortgage rates?

A mortgage calculator is used to determine one's monthly payment expense. It is designed to show how payments vary depending on interest rates and the amount of down payment in comparison to the different types of loans available.

What exactly is an ing mortgage calculator?

Ing mortgage calculator is a useful online financial planning tool that allows you to calculate monthly payments on a home loan based on interest-rates, loan term, payment frequency, etc.

What is a mortgage calculator used for?

"Mortgage calculators are typically used to demonstrate the monthly payments a buying party would be required to make, given all the variables that affect the loan amount desired. By inserting different amounts of a potential down payment and rotating the number of months and years that are comfortable to the buyer, and knowing the amount of income necessary to sustain an affordable payment schedule, one can easily determine what the payment will be."

Does a mortgage down payment calutalor really work?

Yes, a mortgage down payment calculator will allow you to determine the appropriate down payment for a specific situation. The calculator will provide different down payment amounts based on the other mortgage data (amount borrowed, interest rate, term, etc.) to help you decide the appropriate down payment for your situation. Not strictly so. Down payments are set by the lender and reflect the lender's degree of confidence in the borrower's ability to repay. A borrower should put as much down as possible because they avoid interest on that part of the purchase price. One may consult a calculator but the results are not binding on the lender.

Related questions

What function calculates the payment for a loan based on constant payments at a constant interest rate?

The PMT function.

What is an extra payment mortgage calculator used for?

In most cases one has the possibility to make extra payment on a loan. By doing so the loan gets paid back earlier and one saves interest payments. An "extra payment mortgage calculator" calculates those savings.

What Excel function calculates the future value an investment based periodic payments?

FV( interest_rate, number_payments, payment, PV, Type )

What is the different between'Constant-amortized mortgage 'Constant-payment mortgage?

A constant payment mortgage (CPM) is what one would see as the standard or normal type of repayment system. Payments are equal (usually monthly), and the amortization of the loan is really slow. During the most of the repayment term, you will be paying mostly interest, and only a little bit of the principle. Example: $200000, for 30 years = 360 payments, at 6.% = .5% monthly interest rate (holding everything else constant) If we wanted to find the monthly payment we would do the following: 200000 = C(((1-(1/1.005^360))/.005) where C is equal to the monthly payment C = 200000/(((1-(1/1.005^360))/.005) C = $1199.10 A constant amortization mortgage (CAM) is different from the CPM in that it pays a constant amortization. The payments will start off larger in the beginning but will decrease as time passes because the amount of interest paid decreases. Example: Using the same loan as above... 200000, 30 years, 6% Finding the monthly payment takes two steps: the principle and the interest. The amount of principle paid will always be 2000000/360 = 555.56 for every single payment. The interest is determined by the remaining balance of the loan. This first payment still has $200000 left on the loan so the interest will be 200000 * .005 = 1000. The total payment for month 1 is 555.56 + 1000 = $1555.56 The second payment will have the remaining balance at 200000 - 555.56 = 199444.44 so the amount of interest paid for this second payment will be a little less. 199444.44 * .005 = $997.22

When mortgage payments are made in what way does the interest portion change each month and why?

Each month, the interest portion of the payment decreases and the principal portion of the payment increases. The interest decreases because the outstanding principal balance decreases each month as payments arev made. At the beginning of a loan, the interest portion of a payment is large and the principal is small. Towards the end of the loan, the interest portion is small and the principal portion is larger.

What is the relationship between the balance of payments BOP and interest rates?

If the interest rate is lower and balance of payment is large then the currant account will be deficit

Why do principle and interest varies over time?

The answer is called amortization. In a typical loan payment, interest is calculated based on the outstanding principle balance. When the periodic payment remains constant the amount of that payment allocated to interest declines as the principle balance is reduced.

What do you mean by factor payments?

Factor payments means is a wage or interest or rent or profit payment for a service of scarce resources, in return for a productive services.

How do I calculate the payment amount needed to arrive at a known value if I know these variables Present value Future value Rate and that the payment will increase by a known percent each period?

You might be able to use the PMT function. It returns the payment amount for a loan based on an interest rate and a constant payment schedule. You can try different numbers of payments to see what different monthly payments are required.Syntax: PMT(interest_rate,number_payments,PV,FV,Type)interest_rate = interest ratenumber_payments = number of paymentsPV = present value (or principal)FV (optional) = future value (if omitted, the assumed value is 0)Type (optional) = indicates when the payments are due0 = payments due at end of period (default or if not included)1 = payments due at beginning of period

What is pv in excell?

The PV function is a financial function. It is used to return the present value of an investment based on an interest rate and a constant payment schedule. The syntax is a follows: PV( rate, number_payments, payment, [FV], [Type] ) Rate is the interest rate for the investment. Number_payments is the number of payments for the annuity. Payment is the amount of the payment made each period. If it is omitted, you have to enter a FV value. FV is optional. It is the future value of the payments. If it is omitted, it is assumed to be 0. Type is optional. It indicates when the payments are due. Type can be one of the following values: 0 for when payments are due at the end of the period, which is the default. 1 for when payments are due at the start of the period. If the Type parameter is left out, the PV function sets the Type value to 0.

What is the full form of PPMT in Excel?

It is the Principal Payment function. It returns the payment on the principal for a given period for an investment based on periodic, constant payments and a constant interest rate. PPMT( rate, per, nper, pv, fv, type ) Rate is the interest rate per period. Per specifies the period and must be in the range 1 to nper. Nper is the total number of payment periods in an annuity. Pv is the present value- the total amount that a series of future payments is worth now. Fv is the future value, or a cash balance you want to attain after the last payment is made. If fv is omitted, it is assumed to be 0 (zero), that is, the future value of a loan is 0. Type is the number 0 or 1 and indicates when payments are due.

How are Interest Payments made to the Investors in case of a Corporate FD?

The Interest payment is usually made depending upon the Investors choice. They can opt for Monthly or Quarterly or Half-Yearly or Annual Interest Payments. The company will declare upfront the mode of interest payment. It will either be through cheques mailed out the investors address or through ECS into the investors bank account.