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The difference between no problem and my pleasure is that it is saying it was not an inconvenience and the person enjoyed doing it respectively.

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Q: What's the difference between a guy saying no prob and my pleasure?
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Whats a 1 cm calculus in kidey?

A 1cm calculus in the kidney is a fancy way of saying that there is a kidney stone that is a little less than 1/2 an inch in diameter (about the size of a pencil eraser).

-2x3 plus 2x2 plus 12x?

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If x equals 8 whats the value of y in the equation y equals x2 divided by 4 minus 2?

if x = 8in the equation y=2x/(4-2) -- y=8in the equation y=2x/4-2 -- y=2it really depends on how the equation is written, because that would depend on whether you divide or subtract firsty = ( (8^2) / (4) ) - 2y = ( (64) / (4) ) -2y = 16 -2y = 14

A rectangular swimming pool is to be build with an area of 150 square meters The owner wants 2-meter wide decks along either side 3m wide decks at the two ends Whats the smallest property?

Supposing that the actual pool is (a)m long and (b)m wide, then the total property will be (a+6)m long and (b+4)m wide.The next step is to find a relationship between a and b.ab = 150Therefore a = 150/bTherefore, total property area will be:(150/b + 6)(b+4)= 150 + 600/b + 6b + 24= 6b + 600/b + 174= 6b + 600b-1 + 174Taking the derivative and setting it to zero:0 = (6b + 600b-1 + 174)'= 6 + -1*600*b-2= 6 - 600/b2Therefore:6 = 600/b21 = 100/b2b2 = 100b = 10a = 150/10= 15To check whether we have the minimum for area, take the second derivative:(6 - 600/b2)' = (6 - 600b-2)'= 0 - -2*600b-3= 1200b-3= 1200/b3If b is positive, the second derivative will also be positive, so we do have a minimum.Therefore total area of the property:(a+6)m * (b+4)m = (15+6)m * (10+4)m= 21m * 14m= 294m2