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It should work, however plan B is not 100% effective. If you miss your period, take a pregnancy test

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Q: If u had unprotected sex on one night and were fertile and had unprotected sex the next night when u were ovulating then took the plan b pill the following morning as directed will it work?
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You had your period 4 weeks ago and another one last weekam i fertile now could i have conceved if i had unprotected se?

Yes. More than likey. But it may be a liitle more difficult if you are not ovulating

What do you need to do to get pregnant?

Have unprotected sexual intercourse with a fertile male !

Where can one get tips on getting pregnant?

The best recommended way to get pregnant or conceive is to find out when you are ovulating and try. The days you are ovulating are the days you are most fertile.

Can lead to pregnancy?

Unprotected intercourse, or not using contraception, between a fertile woman and a fertile man can lead to pregnancy.

What does non ovulating mean?

Ovulation is the period of time a woman is fertile. This is nomally in the middle of a womans cycle lasting 3-7 days. Ive never heard of the term "non-ovulating", but i would have to say it is the days that she isn't ovulating/fertile. Or maybe it refferrs to after menopause, when a woman no longer ovulates, making her infertile.

What a the fertile days of a lady?

The most fertile days a lady has are called her ovulation days. Many stores now sell kits where they can see how close they are to ovulating.

If you want to become pregnant And you start your periods Will you be pregnant?

Yes, you just have to have sex while you are ovulating & fertile.

Can you have unprotected sex on your period?

no you still have to be protected. i cant remember but the monthly ovulation cycle either makes you most fertile or the least fertile when your on your period.... jenny x

When are girls fertile?

It means if you count the day you start your period as day 1, you are likely to start ovulating on days 14-16

You had unprotected intercourse during your fertile period how likely is it that you could be pregnant?

VERY. Its happened to me too many times.

When is a woman less fertile in the month?

It's possible, but there's no way to tell that isn't insanely expensive and uncomfortable.

What is the time to get pregnant after menstrual cycle starts?

about 2 weeks after your cycle starts again, you will be fertile for about 3 days. you can buy tests to show if you are ovulating or not