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normally girls have periods for 25 to 28 days cycle u count it your selves

u will mark this day and u will find out if your are normal or irregular??

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Q: I got my period last month and im unsure of when my period is due this month?
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The simplest way is to gross up the ordinary annuity (payments in arrears) by a single period at the discounting rate. For example, if the ordinary annuity has semi-annual payments (half yearly) and the PV is $1000 using a discounting rate of 5% p.a., then the PV of the annuity due would be: PVDue= $1,000 x ( 1 + 5%/2 ) = $1,025

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Could it be implantation cramps yesterday and today if today is Apr 4 and sex was on Mar 24 27 30 and Apr 2 your cycle was on Mar 12 or is it more likely to you menstrual cramps?

Probably too late...Hi! You probably already know by now if you are pregnant. But if you are still trying here are some tips for you. Ovulation occurs approximately 14 days before your period starts - so you really need to know how long your normal cycle is. If you have a 28 day cycle, you will usually ovulate on day 14. With a 36 day cycle, ovulation will occur at day 22. The best time for intercourse is 24 hours before ovulation.Implantation cramps would usually occur about 10 days later - so about 3 or 4 days before your period is due. Therefore from your dates I really can't be sure. If you usually have a short cycle (24 days) it is most probably menstrual cramps. For a 28 day cycle, you could be on track for pregnancy!I hope all is well for you and good luck!

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It means your period came at different times of the month, nothing more mystifying than that - when your period is due isn't determined by the date on the caldendar, it is determined by your menstrual cycle.

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Somewhere in February or if you're lucky you won't have to worry for a whole month and 3 days(or so)

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depends when your last period started, but it somewhere after your period in June or in July but a cool tool that helped me is and they have a est due date caculator and alls u answer is last period! good luck!!

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Your ovulation date will stay the same unless your period due date changes, in this case so will your ovulation date.

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If you mean that your last period started on the third then the next one would be due on the 29th IF it remains at a 26 day cycle. Cycles are not always exactly the same from month to month. Start counting the days from the first day of your period. Don't include the first day of the next one when it comes as that is day 1 of your next cycle.

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