This is how the process works. Your oocyte (ovarian egg) has to be in the fallopian tube to even get fertilized by the sperm. When you have a period, that means the unfertilized egg is being flushed out by your body. During your Period, you cannot get pregnant. The next 1.5-2 weeks after your period you 98% cant get pregnant. Reason being, is that your ovary is just barley going to start sending the Oocyte (egg) out down the fallopian tube. The day it starts to send the egg down the tube in your ovulation period, which is the 1.5-2 week after your period process. Now you can get pregnant from then until your body starts to have its period. You are most fertile for 2-3 days when the Oocyte is in the fallopian tube. After those most fertile days, the Oocyte makes it way down to the uterus and waits about one more day to get fertilized, but its not as easy to get pregnant at this point. Then your body again, has a period and flushes the unfertlized egg out again, and the process starts over.
When you ovulate depends on your menstrual cycle. You ovulate two weeks BEFORE your period, so how soon after your period you ovulate depends on how long your menstrual cycle is.
About day 22, my cycle was this long and that was exatly when I conceived.
to be honest with u its possible but i dont no u would have to ask a woman that question
No, by the time a woman is two days off menstruation the egg is long dead - ovulation typically occurs two weeks before menstruation, and at most there is only a viable egg present for 48 hours. Typically a woman will not have fertile quality cervical mucus present at this point either. However unless a woman uses fertility awareness methods she cannot know exactly when she is fertile or when she is not, also often women can mistake vaginal bleeding for other reasons (such as ovulation bleeding) for menstruation so assume they are not pregnant when actually they may be at risk of pregnancy or already be pregnant. Long answer short is that it is not possible, however if a woman wants to avoid unwanted pregnancy she should always use birth control.
You can get pregnant if you have sex 2 days before your period. Take a pregnancy test if you miss your period. It all depends on when you ovulate (release an egg). If you ovualte 2 days before your period then you are most likely to get pregnant then.
Hens ovulate daily: their eggs. If their eggs are fertile there is a chance of them hatching into chicks, if incubated correctly.
How fertile a woman is after menstruation depends on the woman and on her menstrual cycle. During the average 28 day cycle a woman is most likely to ovulate on day 14 and can be fertile between days 7-16 - if a woman's cycle is shorter she could ovulate directly after menstruation so be at her most fertile.
AnswerYou usually become fertile when you ovulate naturally. You will know when you have ovulated because you will have your first period after coming of DEPO. This is a sign your body is now ovulating on its will i know that
No, you become fertile after your period. ITs called a menstruel cycle because you menstrate first, then ovulate.
Female pandas are only fertile for 3-4 days every year. They only ovulate once a year.
Yes. A woman is fertile pretty much every day of the month. Only 12% of all women ovulate on the same day every month so unless you check every month you don't know when you ovulate. The sperms also live inside for almost a week. A orgasm can also make you ovulate again.
Women usually ovulate 12-14 days after the 1st day of their period. It not exact, so the immediately surrounding days you could be fertile also. Hope that helps. =)
When you ovulate depends on your menstrual cycle. You ovulate two weeks BEFORE your period, so how soon after your period you ovulate depends on how long your menstrual cycle is.
it can take upto a year or more to become fertile again i hope this helps Some women begin to ovulate shortly after stopping their Depo shots, however many will take 6-12 months before they begin to ovulate regularlly again.
No, right before your period is likely to be your least fertile time. Women typically ovulate two weeks before menstruation and are fertile up to a week before then when there is fertile cervical mucus present. Unless you use fertility awareness method you cannot know for certain when you are fertile or not, unless you want to get pregnant always use birth control.
It is less likely to ovulate the day after your period ends, but everyone's cycle can vary. Ovulation typically occurs around the middle of the menstrual cycle, but it is still possible to get pregnant if you have a shorter cycle and ovulate earlier. Tracking your cycle using methods such as basal body temperature or ovulation predictor kits can help determine when you are most fertile.
You cannot conceive during your period as there is no egg present, but you can conceive as a result of sex on your period as if there is fertile quality cervical mucus present sperm can survive up to a week and by that time you may ovulate. Unless you use FAM you can't know when you are fertile or not so always assume that you could be fertile.