Fast cash is getting money for a specified amount under options 20, 60 , 100, 500, whereas Withdrawal is entering a specified amount for which you receive cash.
No, it is an adjective. the adverb form is "effectively." (it can mean "in an effective manner" or "having the result of")
As far as using a practical unit, centimeters would indeed be effective in measuring a hand.
There is no use for withdrawal when using condoms. If you are afraid of the condom being burst then use a spermicide along with condoms. No I have my beautiful baby boy because of the failure of this exact thing...
Abstinence - 100% effective Sterilization - 99% + effective IUD - 99% + effective Hormonal (pills, shots, implant, cervical ring, patch) - up to 98% effective Condoms, sponge, cervical cap, diaphragm, spermicide - up to 85% effective Withdrawal - up to 70% effective Please note - Hormonal BC with condoms is up to 99% effective.
Birth control suppositories are one of the least effective methods to begin with. Withdrawal is more effective than spermicide used alone. Consider getting some condoms and throwing out the expired suppositories.
Condoms are the only contraceptives that prevent both pregnancy and the spread of STD's, so they are hands-down the best method of contraception (with a success rate upwards of 98% when used correctly). To absolutely prevent pregnancy, it would be wise to use condoms AND a daily oral contraceptive (in case of condom failure, daily oral contraceptives are up to 99% effective when used correctly).
Not effective at all!
No, condoms are not effective if they go through the laundry. The heat from the washer and dryer will weaken the rubber of the condom. Even non-latex condoms cannot withstand washing.
The only 100% effective means is abstinence- not to have sex. Surgical sterilization, such as removal of the uterus is also highly effective. All common means of birth control such as condoms, birth control pills, IUDs, withdrawal, rhythm method CAN fail in some percentage of cases.
You don't, because it DOESN'T prevent pregnancy! You should be using condoms!
Hi there. I have inclosed a link for you relating to birth control pills. This page should have all the information you need relating to BCP. Take care and I hope its what your looking for. :)
Fertility-awareness (abstinence during fertile cycle) and withdrawal take more self control than some teens (and anyone - really) have and are not as effective as hormonal BC and condoms.