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Sex is possible, but it can be unpleasant, depending on the circumstances. Sex when the woman is at the height of her flow is generally not recommended.

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Q: During menstruation sex is possible or not?
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Is it possible to be pregnant if you intercourse 3 days after menstruation?

Yes - during the average 28 day cycle 3 days after menstruation would be during your fertile phase, thus pregnancy risk is very high.

Can you get pregnant if you had unprotected sex 2 days after your period?

It is possible but less likely. This is within the period of time during the egg cycle used by those employing the "rhythm method" to avoid conception; popular with Catholics for whom other means of contraception are forbidden. During menstruation (and a couple of days thereafter) is the least likely period to fertilize the egg as one is not usually present in the womb at this time.It is not impossible to become pregnant during this time, just less likely as the unfertilised egg will not be in a prime position for fertilisation.

Why would you have cramps during sex?

When having sex, the muscles of the body tend to tense up. This tenseness can lead to cramps.

When you have your period there more blood in the toilet not the pad?

During menstruation as the blood leaves the vagina it can remain around the vaginal opening and the vulva, thus it doesn't drip down onto the pad and instead when you urinate the urine washes the blood from the vulva and into the toilet.

Could a woman ovulate 2 days after her period?

Yes. It is very hard to pinpoint ovulation. People think that is 14 days or in the middle of the cycle, but it can be up to a few days before or after menstruation. The problem with a very early ovulation is that the uterus hasn't completed building the wall for the next possible implantation.

Related questions

Can you get prengant your period come?

It is biologically impossible to menstruate while pregnant - however it is possible to experience vaginal bleeding during pregnancy, which you might mistake for menstruation. It is biologically impossible to get pregnant during menstruation - however it is possible to get pregnant as a result of sex during menstruation as given the right environment sperm can survive in the vagina for up to 7 days, by which time you may ovulate. You may mistake ovulation bleeding for menstruation.

Is fertilization possible during menstruation?

Not the least

Can you get preggnant on your period?

No, it is biologically impossible to get pregnant during your period as there is no egg present. BUT it is possible to get pregnant as a result of sex during menstruation, also not all vaginal bleeding is menstruation. Unless you want to get pregnant you should always use birth control.

Can sex during period cause ganorrhea?

No, sex during menstruation does not cause gonorrhea. Gonorrhea is an STD, it would be transmitted via sex.

What does Islam say about sex during menstruation?

Intercourse sex during wife menstruation (monthly period) is strictly forbidden and is sinful. However, oral sex as kissing and touching wife nipples or husband penis could be allowed.

Is there a chance to get pregnant 4 days after the menstruation?

you can get pregnant at anytime if you have sex(even during menstruation or even if you use "protection").

Are women fertile after menstruation?

Immediately after menstruation it is possible to get pregnant. It is even possible to get pregnant during menstruation, though very very very unlikely. It is always possible for a woman to get pregnant as long as she has a healthy, pre-menopausal, post-pubescent, fully functioning uterus and is having sex with a man in a similar situation. However, women are more likely to get pregnant right before their period and less likely to unlikely to get pregnant during or after their period.

Can you get pregnant when your 12?

yes it is possible, if you have started your period& have had unprotected sex

Can you get preagnet on your period?

You can't get pregnant on your period as there is no egg present, however if your menstrual cycle is short it is possible for you to have fertile cervical mucus present during menstruation which can keep sperm alive in the vagina up to 7 days - by which time you may ovulate. Thus you can get pregnant as a result of sex during menstruation.

What can you do during your period?

You can do absolutely anything you like during menstruation - there is absolutely nothing that you can't do on your period. In fact some things can be better during menstruation, for example sex can be a lot more pleasurable during menstruation and many women find they're much more creative during menstruation so they may be more likely to create great works of art.

Is it safe to get sex 8 days after your menstruation?

As long as you have no other health issues, it is safe to have sex at any time during your cycle.

Can you do a girl on her period?

By "do" I assume you mean a very disrespectful scumbag way of sexying 'have sex with' - yes, you can have sex with a women during menstruation.