

Does rin love Kakashi

Updated: 9/15/2023
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Yes, but she is dead..

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Q: Does rin love Kakashi
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Will Kakashi marry rin?

no because rin is dead because in manga chapter 424 kakashi says to obito that "please forgive me because i coundnt keep your promise,i coudnt protect rin" so it means that rin is dead so the answer is simple that kakashi cant marry rin he have to find another girl:)

Who was Kakashi's teammate Rin from Naruto?

Rin was a kunochi and a medical ninja on Kakashi's team. Obito had a crush on Rin, but Rin liked Kakashi. Obito died before he could tell her how he felt. Rin expressed her feelings for Kakashi, but Kakashi immediately brushed it off. He thought of himself as scum, and just wanted to complete the mission. It has been established that Rin died, from what Kakashi has said in manga 425, but how she died remains unknown.

Information on Rin from Kakashi Gaiden?

Rin was on Kakashi, Obito and Minato's team, she was their medic nin and was the one who transplanted Obito's remaining eye into Kakashi. For more info read this:

Who is rin of Naruto Shippuden?

Rin was the teammate of Hatake Kakashi. She is presumed deceased, as Kakashi has said that all of his friends were dead.

Does Kakashi like rin?

well i think he only likes her as a friend and no more than that.

Why does Rin admire Kakashi?

Because Kakashi was kind of dark and mysterious kind of like sasuke was like to sakura. rin liked that about kakashhi

Who did rin like in naruto Shippuden?


Who help Uchiha obito?

Kakashi and Rin.

How does Kakashi's old teamate Rin die?

No she continues on but in a different team than kakashi.

Who Kakashi love?

Kakashi liked Rin only as a friend and teamate.But Obito loved her.

What happened to rin after Kakashi gaiden?

It is assumed that Rin is dead because at one point Kakashi says, "I am going to join Obito and Rin" or something to that extent. No one knows how she died because it is never mentioned.

How did Kakashi learn sharingan?

Kakashi gets his sharingan from Obito Uchiha. You can see it in The Kakashi Chronicles part 2. After Kakashi had his eye badly injured by a kunai a large explosion traps rin, kakashi, and Obito in a cave. Obito pushes kakashi out of the way before he is crushed by a rock, causing Obito to get crushed. Slowly dieing obito gives kakashi one last request. To take his sharingan and protect Rin. Rin, being a medicle ninja, transplants Obito's sharingan eye to kakashi's slashed eye. Obito did this because he could never admit his love for Rin. He did not want her to die so he gave kakashi immense power,via sharingan. That is how and i hope i helped