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yes you can get pregnant anytime even including on your period

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Q: Can you become pregnant 2 weeks before your period?
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Can you get pregnant and have your period in less than a 2 weeks?

Two weeks after you have your period is typically the most likely time to become pregnant.

If you found out you were 5 12 weeks pregnant jan25 was you pregnant before your period?

You did not get a period while you were pregnant.

How soon will you skip a period if you are pregnant?

You ovulate two weeks before menstruation - thus the soonest you'd skip a period is that first period, two weeks after you get pregnant.

Is it possible to get pregnant if you had unprtected sex 2 weeks before your period?

You can get pregnant on any day. Take your period out of the equation. Outside of abstinence, there are no safe days to have sex without the possibility of becoming pregnant. Contrary to popular belief - although rare - it is possible to become pregnant even while on your period. If you do not wish to become pregnant, always use protection.

Can you get pregnant about two or three weeks before your period?


Is it possible to have tender breast if pregnant two weeks before period?

there is a chance you can be pregnant

Is conception after your last period or before?

conception occurs appr 2 weeks after ur last period not before because if you got pregnant before your period your period would not come on conception occurs appr 2 weeks after ur last period not before because if you got pregnant before your period your period would not come on

How far pregnant would you be five weeks after intercourse?

They count pregnancy from your last menstrual period not from when you actually had sex and conceieved. So if its been 5 wks since you had sex and got pregnant but you had your period like a week before that then you'd be 6 weeks pregnant. Or if you started your period 2 weeks before you had sex then you'd be 7 weeks pregnant.

Are you pregnant just because your period is late?

No. You have to have fisical connections with a male a few weeks before your period so you will become pregnant. But if you don't have it, and just wait up to 3 week after it is late and go see a doctor.

Is it possible to have kids if you never had a period in your life?

It is possible, although not very likely. Women are unable to reproduce until they begin their menstrual cycle, which includes ovulation. Ovulation is when the egg cell is released from the ovaries and travels down the fallopian tubes into the uterus. It occurs about two weeks before the menstrual bleeding. If a woman were two weeks shy of having her first period, it is possible that she could become pregnant from unprotected sex.

Is it possible for a female to get pregnant before she has ever had a period?

Impossible. Having a period means that a women has reached her "womanhood" and will be able to bear children.THAT ANSWER IS NOT CORRECT!!!you can get pregnant something like two weeks before your first period. the blood that comes out is the "food" for the possible baby. not the egg that is supposed to become a baby.

Can you take a pregnancy test 5 weeks before your period if you think your pregnant?

Yes you can.