Yes she can. A human's rectum is full of sensitive nerve endings. Also, the pressure from your penis in her rectum pressing against her vaginal wall will also contribute to her sensations. You need to go slow and ask her what feels good then go from there.
Yes, it is quite possible, but you shouldn't even be askin those kinda questions! That's just wrong!
measure her. if its over her waist size, she's got a big butt. not always a bad thing tho... ;) Big butts are cute you shoudnt be worried about if your girlfriend has a big butt mine dose she weighs about 160 pounds big butts look great on women especially in tight jeans or really short shorts my girl wears these super tight shorts its amazing how she stuffs it all in there
yes, in general girls are more able to stretch their skin and their holes can get around 12% wider.
To me it would mean she wants to have sex. But you can start by smiling and kissing her. Dont through her on the floor and start wrippin off her clothe!
If your asking this, your to young to be having sex!
If a girl did that to me I would spank her on the butt and walk away
Lmao no! If you're a girl then your cum doesn't have sperm in it. Only guy's cum has sperm. I know Sperm and Cum are the same thing, but by Sperm I mean the fishies! Haha.
If you find yourself fantasizing about a girl screwing you in the ass you should do one of three things. 1: Find a girl with a dick and indulge in your twisted fantasies. 2: Stop being so sexually confused 3: Become and eunuch Hope this helped with your dilemma.
Lmao no! If you're a girl then your cum doesn't have sperm in it. Only guy's cum has sperm. I know Sperm and Cum are the same thing, but by Sperm I mean the fishies! Haha.
It probably means the guy likes looking at the girl's butt.
Straightforward: scratching - like scratching an itch.Innuendo: Screwing around - somewhat of a sexual reference - like screwing (f*cking) around with that girl.
any type of butt can fart but if a girl has a big butt the fart will be loud if a girl has a small butt the fart will sound weak.
He prefers a girl with a larger butt than larger breast
wen a girl shoves a finger up ur butt wen a girl shoves a finger up ur butt
As a girl i should say DON'T LOOK AT HER BUTT! but that's the only way you'll know. :)
nothing really. she just has a nice butt that's it =]