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Q: What would it cost to buy the book Mr Kennedy and the negroes?
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Book cost ; sunk cost. A cost incurrence where the cash expenditure has already occurred, such as the cost of depreciation for a machine purchased several years ago.

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The cost of an exercise book in the 1980s would have varied depending on the brand, quality, and location. On average, a basic exercise book in the 1980s could cost anywhere from 25 to 50 cents. High-quality or specialty exercise books may have cost more.

How much did it cost to build Kennedy space center?

The total cost of building the Kennedy Space Center in the 1960s was over $1 billion, which includes infrastructure, facilities, and launch pads. Over the years, additional investments have been made to update and maintain the center, bringing the total cost to several billion dollars.

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=It costs money to get your book published but it costs less money if you have a agent=

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Currently in the US a Forever stamp costs 44 cents and I will assume that this the type you are referring to, so a book of twenty stamps would cost you $8.80.

How much would a book cost in the 1920's?

The price of a book in 1950 varied depending on the particular type of book. Most books cost less than $5 in 1950.

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I do not know the cost of booking AC/DC, but logic would dictate that one would have to be incredibly wealthy to book AC/DC.

Can you book Popstars to sing at your party?

maybe but if you did it would cost tons of money probably so you would have to be a millionare

If The Mighty Thor comic book cost 75 cents in 1987 how much would it cost today?

Assuming an average inflation rate of 3%, the cost of The Mighty Thor comic book in 1987 would be equivalent to about $1.79 in 2021.

How much does a round table cost?

heheheheheheheheh tara kennedy knows ;)