Neither. Is Your hard drive input or output? Neither. It is simply a storage device as a flash drive or internal optical drive would be.
No a disk drive is neither input or output device, it is an optical disk drive (for CD/DVD's) and a disk drive (for hard drives) would be a storage device.
Input device
It's input I think, not that sure, but I just know that it reads data from a disc and then views them onto the computer screen. :)
A CDROM drive is neither an input device or an output device. A CDROM drive is a storage device.
No.... It must be output to input...
if u multiply optical x input and input x optical then u will receive the input optical for ur result and this will be ur optical input. my answer is correct and it will work no matter what. if u have any problems go ask someone who cares. xx
Disk drive storage can be both an input and an output device.
A Flash Drive can be an input, output or storage device. Hope this helps.
A normal CD drive is an input device. A CD-R or CD-RW drive would do both input and output.
a flash drive is an output device. A flash drive can fit into either category(input, output or storage). It simply depends on how it is used.