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Because people are afraid of free thought and want to control the thoughts and actions of others.

Answer 2:

Books are banned for the following reasons most often:



unsuitable for particular age groups




religious views



sex ed



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14y ago
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10mo ago

Books can be banned through formal challenges by individuals or groups who believe the content is inappropriate or offensive. This can lead to the book being removed from libraries, schools, or bookstores. Banning can also occur through government censorship, where publications are restricted or prohibited by law.

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13y ago

Books are banned because they are seen as "unacceptable" due to the content of the book. Some banned books have been banned for including socially unacceptable behavior, such as swearing, sex, gambling, alcohol, drugs, and violence. Other books have been banned due to other religious and cultural sensitivities, such as books containing magic/witchcraft and books depicting talking animals.

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14y ago

Books are banned because of questionable content. Perhaps the book has sexually explicit material not suited for a particular age group. Or, maybe a book is banned because it contains racist material or cruelty to animals. A book can be banned for many reasons.

Books are banned because the people that have the power to do so feel that the information i the book should not be available to other members of the public, the reasoning is always the public good, however upon further investigation this action is more likely to be the the result of apolitical control of information. suppression of information where cultural mores come under attack and books that cover subjects that those in power find offensive because of their cultural beliefs. However offensive a book may seem to one there is rarely a good reason to suppress the distribution of information fiction or non fiction.

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12y ago

Books are banned because overzealous people believe what they are supremely right and what they have to say and what they think is more important than what someone else has to say. While some material may not be appropriate for all ages, books should never be banned for everyone.

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11y ago

books are banned by people who seem to think they have a right to decide
how everyone else should live. people who seem to figure that whatever they
think is "correct" and everyone who doesn't agree with them is wrong.
like this message window here that told me i have to turn off my caps lock, as
if they feel "yelled at", and that's not fair. you know,......liberals.
they will eventually ban air. i'm not using any caps at all, because that seems to
be "the thing" these days. i see the spelling corrector actually underlined "i'm",
as if that's wrong. nothing is ever right to these people. democrat liberals have
been gradually destroying life for many centuries. that's why books get banned.
in fact, i'm absolutely certain that this will never get past their liberal inspection.
i'm wasting electric ink here. that's ok. they never get it and never will.

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6y ago

Books are banned because they "bring people misery and the feeling of being inferior".

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13y ago

Many books are becoming inappropriate as the years mature. This is why some books are being banned. (:

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6y ago

Books are banned when someone makes a complaint and fills out the paperwork. Then a library committee looks at the complaint and makes a decision.

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Did banned books end?

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Who supports banned books?

Most public libraries support banned books.

Why are books being banned?

Many books are becoming inappropriate as the years mature. This is why some books are being banned. (:

Where can books be banned from?

No where.

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I wouldn't think there is one. All books, bar instruction manuals, are banned.

Who bans books?

Most public libraries support banned books.

What has the author Robert P Doyle written?

Robert P. Doyle has written: 'Banned Books Week '89: Celebrating the freedom to read' 'The American Library Association and international relations' -- subject- s -: American Library Association, International librarianship, International relations, Library cooperation 'Banned books' -- subject- s -: Banned Books Week, Bibliography, Books and reading, Censorship, Challenged books, Freedom of information, Prohibited books 'Banned books week '93' -- subject- s -: Bibliography, Books and reading, Censorship, Freedom of information, Prohibited books 'Banned Books Resource Guide: Celebrating the Freedom to Read'

Are books ever removed from the banned or challenged list?

The are no banned books in fully civilized nations. Such lists exist only in backwards areas.

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What are some banned books in Indonesia?

Some banned books in Indonesia include "The Communist Manifesto" by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, "Laskar Pelangi" by Andrea Hirata, and "Islam Without Extremes" by Mustafa Akyol. These books were banned due to their content being deemed sensitive or potentially disruptive to public order.

What books have been banned by the Malaysian government?

Salman Rushdie's books have been banned as was Charles Darwin's The Origin of Species. Khalil Gibran, Chinua Achebe, John Anthony Burgess, Rebecca Wells and Robert Jordan also had books banned. But more surprising was the banning of books with Dora the Explorer and Spongebob Squarepants.

Why were most school books banned?

School books are often banned due to controversial content such as explicit language, violence, sexual content, or themes that go against societal norms or values. Some people believe that certain topics are inappropriate or harmful for students, leading to calls for banning these books from educational settings.