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No, people in North Korea do not have access to Amazon or the internet at large in the same way as people in other countries. The North Korean government heavily restricts internet access and controls what content its citizens can view.

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Why did Korea choose isolation?

HUH? Last time Korea was isolated was right after the Opium Wars in China. They didn't want the same thing to happen in Korea. South Korea never had a policy of isolation. If you're talking about North Korea, If life sucks as bad as it does in North Korea, would you like your people to know that people outside of North Korea actually have 3 meals a day? North Korea is so successful in isolation, people in North Korea think they are better off than the people in South Korea.

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South Korea, officially the Republic of Korea, is commonly referred to as Korea, North Korea is officially the Democratic People's Republic of Korea .

How many people live in north Korea today?

According to the 2009 estimate the population of North Korea is 23,906,000.About 25 millionmore than 22 million people live in north korea

Are people allowed to leave from North Korea?

No people are not allowed to leave North Korea, they can escape to South Korea, but risk being shot, or if caught trying to escape North Korea they can get heavy punishment, so the only way to get out of North Korea if your North Korean is to escape out of North Korea secretly, and go to South Korea, via another country that can give you asylum.