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Q: Wo boats are operating near each other. One of these boats must take early and substantial action to keep well away from the other boat. Which is the boat that must take actionwo boats are operating n?
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all boats operating between sunset and sunrise. - jr

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all boats operating between sunset and sunrise. - jr

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all boats operating between sunset and sunrise. - jr

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All boats operating between sunset and sunrise

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Their are lots of places online where someone can donate old boats. Some of these places are: Action Donation Services, Boats with Causes and Online Boat Donation.

Two boats are operating near each other. One of these boats must take early and substantial action to keep well away from the other boat. Which is the boat that must take action?

The Rules of the Road are a set of navigation rules that specify which ship is required to take action. The full situation would have to be shown to identify which of the two ships is the "stand-on" vessel, Where two power driven vessels are meeting or crossing, the vessel to starboard is the "Stand-on" vessel (privileged) and the vessel to the port is the "give-way" (burdened) vessel and must keep out of the way. Please refer to the link provided below. See Rules 16 & 17. *It is a false interpretation of the rules to refer to vessel as having the "right of way" over another vessel EXCEPT in Rule 9 (Narrow Channels and fairways)