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Tak. On the condition that Russia will allow joint dibs on Artic oil exploration and claims. Cheerio, matie!

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Q: Will England let russia build a military base in iceland capable of atacting England with Russia nuclear submarines?
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What are the characteristics of a subtratic?

A submarine is a watercraft capable of independent operation underwater. It is typically equipped with a periscope, sonar, and propulsion system. Submarines are used for various purposes, including military operations, scientific research, and underwater exploration.

Does Mexico use submarines or did they in wars?

No - Mexico's Navy has in modern times been a green-water Navy (coastal patrol/defense), and though they do have destroyers to deal with submarine threats and drug-running submarines, they've never considered the need for military submarines. Submarines aren't cheap to maintain either; having them in a military inventory is generally based on threat determination, and there just isn't enough of a threat to warrant the cost of them theirs. Modern submarines are built and maintained for a a variety of reasons, but the most important are fleet escort and strategic defense. Mexico has no blue-water Naval fleet to escort, and isn't capable of projecting military power globally, negating any need for strategic defense. That doesn't mean they don't rely on allied nations to help them out if needed though.

What battles did Nero the emperor fight in?

None. Nero was not a military man although he had capable generals under him to handle those matters.None. Nero was not a military man although he had capable generals under him to handle those matters.None. Nero was not a military man although he had capable generals under him to handle those matters.None. Nero was not a military man although he had capable generals under him to handle those matters.None. Nero was not a military man although he had capable generals under him to handle those matters.None. Nero was not a military man although he had capable generals under him to handle those matters.None. Nero was not a military man although he had capable generals under him to handle those matters.None. Nero was not a military man although he had capable generals under him to handle those matters.None. Nero was not a military man although he had capable generals under him to handle those matters.

How deep can ww1 submarines go?

They were only capable of going about 50-80 feet under. They were mostly used for spying.

What type of military does Israel have?

An extremely capable and lethal one.

What does the military acronym FMC mean?

Fully Mission Capable

Why women underestimated in the military reason?

Because they are not strong enough or capable

What are aircraft refuellers?

Aircraft built by the military to refuel other capable aircraft (other military craft basically) in midair.

What was one reason that the Confederacy had capable military commanders?

The Confederacy had capable military commanders because many West Point graduates resigned from the US to join the Confederacy. Also, each Southern state had at least one private military college. VMI in Virginia is one such example.

What steers submarines?

Submarines are steered like any other Naval vessel, using a system of high-pressure hydraulics operated from the Helm by a qualified helmsman. The rudder is also capable of being moved by hydraulic handpump if the main hydraulic pumps are out for some reason (not easily either).

Can an airplane stop for gas?

Some military air craft are capable of refueling in flight

Are there any submarines named Juliet?

There are no known submarines named Juliet. However, the name Juliet is used by NATO to identify a class of Soviet submarines that are no longer in operation. It was a diesel-electric submarine capable of launching cruise missiles. Most American World War II submarines were named after species of fish. Most early nuclear-powered submarines were named after World War II submarines. The first generation of nuclear-powered ballistic submarines were named after famous Americans. Most Los Ageles-class fast attack submarines are named after U.S. cities, with the exception of the USS Hyman G. Rickover. Most Ohio-class guided missle and ballistic missile submarines are named after U.S. states, with the USS Henry M. Jackson being the exception. The Virginia-class fast attack submarines are mostly named after U.S. states. The lone exception as of January 2011 is the John Warner, which is expected to be delivered in 2015.