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So you can have the right measurement and dimensions. Also to make sure that the object is the right features as it should.

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Q: Why is it important to follow the rules of sketching and dimensioning?
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You die if u don't.

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The future tense of "They follow the rules" is "They will follow the rules."

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Because these rules are made for students so that they can make their students happier in future

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what rules did you have to follow rations ww2

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It is important for all students to follow safety rules to prevent accidents and injuries, protect themselves and others, and create a safe learning environment. By following safety rules, students can focus on their studies without being distracted by potential hazards.

Why is it important to follow health and safety rules?

It is important to follow health and safety rules because that helps avoid injury, illness or death to you and your co-workers, and prevents property damage and loss that could hurt the company, and thus your job prospects.