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Water and air are both fluids, but water is a lot "thicker" than air. In order to move forward, you need to push the stuff in front of you out the way. It's quite an effort to push a load of heavy water out the way, but air offers very little resistance. It is the viscosity of water that is in the way here, and we're talking about the physics of shear forces in fluids. Water is much more viscous than air, and is much more resistant to shear forces. Yes, water is a liquid, but air is a gas.

If you consider yourself trying to walk in the shallow end of a swimming pool and then walking normally in air, you have an accurate picture of what's going on. The aircraft engine(s) can develop enough trust to really tear through the fluid in which it is operating (which is air). Any "basic" contemporary military submarine probably has much more shaft horsepower than a jet fighter has thrust, but there is no way to get through the water anywhere nearly as quickly. And a submarine is not set up for speed in any case. It must "creep" through the water to avoid making sufficient noise to be detected.

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Q: Why can planes travel faster than submarines?
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Of course not! A plane can travel at hundreds of miles an hour. The fastest horse only reaches 55 miles per hour for a very short distance. I mean, really! If horses were faster than planes, than why did we invent planes to travel long distances?

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A lot of stuff. Sound travels at 330 m/s (metres a second), so is faster than cars, planes (well, some...), and even Usain Bolt! However, some planes, and even the whip (so that's what that crackiing noise was! :) can travel faster. Of course, light is much faster!

Why is a plane faster than a boat?

Planes are faster than boats because they can travel through the air, which has less resistance than water. Additionally, planes follow a direct route from point A to point B, while boats may need to navigate around land masses or other obstacles in the water. Lastly, planes can travel at higher speeds due to their propulsion systems, making them more efficient for long-distance travel.

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What plane travels faster than sound?

Supersonic airplanes can travel faster than the speed of sound, which is approximately 767 miles per hour at sea level. Examples of supersonic planes include the Concorde and military jets like the F-16 and F-22.

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They named as ultrasonic planes. They can travel very fast.

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Planes travel faster than cars because they operate in the less dense medium of air, which offers lower resistance compared to the friction that cars experience on roads. Additionally, planes are designed with powerful engines that enable them to achieve higher speeds than cars. The higher speeds of planes also allow for more efficient long-distance travel.