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Q: Who would not be required to wear a USCG-approved PFD while engaged in the activity indicated?
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What is disguising?

When more people are engaged in some activity than the number of person required for that , this is called disguised unemployment . For example : An agricultural field require 4 labourers but people engaged in this activity is 6 then this unemployment for 2 labours is called disguised unemployment

What is disguised unemployment?

When more people are engaged in some activity than the number of person required for that , this is called disguised unemployment . For example : An agricultural field require 4 labourers but people engaged in this activity is 6 then this unemployment for 2 labours is called disguised unemployment

What are some features of 'disguised unemployment'?

When more people are engaged in some activity than the number of person required for that , this is called disguised unemployment . For example : An agricultural field require 4 labourers but people engaged in this activity is 6 then this unemployment for 2 labours is called disguised unemployment

What was commercial activity did the Phoenicians engage in?

They engaged in an activity and that activity was because of their location

Who is not required to wear a us coast guard-approved pfd while engaged in the activity indicated?

Passengers on a commercial vessel are not required to wear a US Coast Guard-approved Personal Flotation Device (PFD) while engaged in the indicated activity. However, it is important to check the specific regulations and requirements for different activities and locations, as they may vary.

What occupation uses mean?

It means "an activity in which a person is engaged".

Banks are generally engaged in which leasing activity?

financial lease

What is difference between activity and occupation?

Occupation means engaged in something AND Activity means enjoying something.

IThe economic activity in which one is engaged on a regular basis is called his her ii A professional requires and training in a particular field?

The economic activity in which one is engaged on a regular basis is called his or her profession

What activity was the man engaged in The Sea Devil?

In "The Sea Devil," the man was engaged in diving for pearls in a dangerous underwater cave.

What does the expression busy as a beaver mean?

Very busy or engaged in an activity.

What does To be on a roll mean?

experiencing a period of success or good luck To be engaged in any activity and to be making a good job of it. To be engaged in any activity with success and ease and in any activity which is taking up your attention at the time of the activity. To be busily engaged successfully and with ease in any activity. One might say if one was busy doing something successfully and with ease to a person who asks you a question during the activity " Hold on a second....I'm on a roll, here." This would mean that you are busily engaged with the activity and are not able to give any attention to his/her question and would prefer if s/he could let you continue with your activity. The activity could be anything from chopping wood, hammering in a nail,sewing a button on a coat to writing a letter to whatever.