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Q: Who manufactures sea star boats?
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MB Sports manufactures their own boats in house woth their designs. Hand built with very high craftsmanship.

What is a boatmaker?

A boatmaker is a person who makes or manufactures boats.

What companies manufacturer ferries that run in the sea?

There are numerous companies that manufacture ferries that run in the sea. Companies that manufactures these types of ferries are Greek companies like Sea Jets and Blue Star.

Is SeaRay a manufacturer of boats or airplanes?

Sea Ray makes boats.

How did a sea star be called a sea star?

A sea star is called a sea star simply because of where it lives (the sea) and what it looks like (a star), simple!

What types of boats are available from World Cat?

World Cat manufactures and sells a wide variety of boats. Among them are catamarans, cruisers and fishing boats. They are one of two boat buildres in the world that are NMMA certified.

This is what the Germans called their submarines?

U boats- for Unterseabooten (under sea boats)

Who manufactures 20-30ft swing keel boats?

Catalina and Aquarius both make popular models.

What happens if you increase the number of boats on the sea?

the sea would rise because the boats are pushing it out. and it would be very crowded! lol ;)

If all the boats and ships were taken out of the sea by how much would the sea level drop?

i think if all the heavy ships and boats r taken from the sea...It will drop

How do you correctly punctuate the sentence The sea calmed but no boats left shore?

The sentence "The sea calmed but no boats left shore" is correctly punctuated as it is. It is a simple sentence that does not require any additional punctuation marks. It effectively conveys the message that despite the sea calming, no boats departed from the shore.