Robert Fulton invented the steam boat in 1800. He was a colonial American Engineer. He designed the first submarine of the world called "Nautilus".
steam boats and steam engines (trains) were both invented during that time. Also the first airplanes were invented just after 1900. I also THINK that the bicycle was invented during that time
this is easy :) steam
Steam Boats.
McCoy invented an automatic lubricator for oiling the steam engines of locomotives and boats in 1979 mccoy invented an oil-dripping cup for trains
Motor boats were invented in 1907.
Elijah McCoy invented an automatic lubricator for oiling the steam engines of locomotives and boats, a folding ironing board, and a lawn sprinkler.
People of the 18th century traveled by carriage with horses pulling them. There were also steam powered locomotives and steam powered boats. The steam boat was invented by Roberta Fultuna and his wife Lauren Fultuna.
U boats were invented in 1914 for WW1
steam boats and steam trains use coal power
Robert Fulton is probably credited with the ' invention ' , but actually it was a long process with many people taking part. Nothing of that nature was ever invented just by one man.
A clipper ship is a sail boat that is very fast and is moved by winds. Steam boats are mechanical boats that run a motor with steam power.
The negative effect of a steam boat is that it causes a fire and can explode due to steam pressure.