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Q: Who developed a steamboat in 1807?
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US inventor who developed a steamboat the Clermont in 1807?

Robert Fulton

Which waterway was developed as a result of the invention of the steamboat?

The waterway that was developed as a result of the invention of the steamboat was the Mississippi River. Robert Fulton built a steamboat and used it first on the Hudson River in 1807.

Who invented the first steamboat in 1807?

Robert Fulton was the one who created it in 1803 no one created a steamboat in 1807.

Who invented the steamboat in 1807?

Robert Fulton invented the first successful steamboat - the Clermont. ... On August 7, 1807

When was the Steamboat Clermont launched?

In 1807

When did Robert fulton invent the steamboat?

In August of 1807.Actually Fulton neither invented the steamboat nor even put the first steamboat into scheduled service. In 1736, Jonathan Hulls was granted a patent in England for a Newcomen engine-powered steamboat, but it was the improvement in steam engines by James Watt that made the concept feasible.Fulton's North River Steam Boat (or Clermont) began the first long-lasting and financially successful steamboat business.The first voyage of the North River Steam Boatlaunched on August 17, 1807

When was Robert Fulton's first steamboat built?

The year 1807. This is the right answer..........please don't improve it!

What year did Robert Fulton demonstrate the possibility of steamboat navigation in the United states?

New York

What year the steamboat invented by Robert fulton was invented?

In 1807, Fulton (with help) built the first commercial steamboat, the North River Steamboat (later known as the Clermont), which carried passengers between New York City and Albany, New York. He didn't invent the steamboat, his was just the first commercial steamboat.

Credited with the introduction of the steamboat?

The first successful steamboat was in 1807 by the American inventor Robert Fulton. However, John Fitch made the first successful trial steamboats.

Who invent the steam boat and when?

John Fitch made his first successful Steamboat on August 22, 1787. On August 26, 1791, he was granted the patent for the Steamboat. Robert Fulton, on August 7, 1807, was credited for turning the Steamboat into a success, though.

Who created the steamboat?

European inventors tried to build steam powered boats since around 1700, but American engineer Robert Fulton built the first commercially successful steamboat in 1807 .