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Q: Where was the nuclear powered submarine made?
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What was the first nuclear powered vessel?

The first nuclear powered submarine was the USS Nautilus.

Which features differentiate a nuclear-powered submarine from a conventional submarine?

A nuclear-powered submarine is different from a conventional submarine because it is powered by a nuclear reactor instead of diesel engines or batteries. This allows it to stay submerged for longer periods of time and travel at faster speeds. Additionally, nuclear-powered submarines do not need to surface as frequently for refueling, giving them greater endurance and operational range.

What is the first nuclear submarine?

The USS Nautilus (SSN-571) was the world's first operational nuclear-powered submarine.

What energy is used for a submarine?

new subs are nuclear powered

Which is the India's first indigenous submarine?

INS- Arihant (first indigenous nuclear powered submarine),, INS- chakra (first nuclear submarine).

What was the name of the world's first nuclear powered submarine?

USS Nautilus

Off of which coast did the USS. Greenville a nuclear-powered submarine strike a Japanese fishing boat?

Off of which coast did the U.S.S. Greenville, a nuclear-powered submarine, strike a Japanese fishing boat?

What is the abraviation of submarine?

Most people would use the abbreviation 'sub.' The US Navy uses the prefix SS to indicate a submarine. If it is SSN, it would indicate a Nuclear Powered submarine and SSBN would be a ballistic missile nuclear powered sub.

How long can a submarine be in the water?

A nuclear powered submarine can remain submerged for as long as it has fuel rods and supplies for the crew.

This Black inventor has a nuclear-powered submarine named after?

george washington carver

What was the first naval submarine?

The first nuclear powered submarine was the U.S. Navy's USS Nautilus, SSN-571. A link is provided.

What kind of energy a nuclear powered submarine transport transports it's crew from New Orleans to mobile?

A nuclear-powered submarine generates energy through nuclear fission to power its propulsion systems, allowing it to transport its crew from New Orleans to Mobile. The nuclear reactor on board the submarine heats water into steam, which drives turbines to move the submarine through the water at high speeds efficiently and silently.