There are many online sites where one can sell old oat engines. There are also sites where one can trade in their old boat engine and exchange it for an item that is of use to the seller. Ebay and Amazon as well as specialist sites such as boatsnadoutboards allow the selling of this item.
Chat with our AI personalities is an excellent site for boat owners wanting to sell their old boat because you will be given step by step instructions on how to sell the boat.
It is often done with elderly old small boats with unreliable engines. Mounts are available to fit a range of cheap outboard engines on the stern. We did it, giving up on the unreliable inboard engine and using a modern outboard instead
In the United States it's also illegal to sell Cuban cigars to someone over 18 years old.
16 by your self 12 if you have someone 18 or older accomedating you
you can but there old so maybe someone might want it .
Depending on how old, old engines run on compressed steam, new engines run on a mixture of petroleum and air (atmospheric).
Old enough to hold a wrench. My 11 year old works on our boat, and I don't even have a boat yet.
There is no reason you should give anyone your credit card info to sell and old cellphone. It sounds like someone is trying to scam you.
Old boat got sink
12 years old
One can sell old scrap books by hosting a garage sale and by posting it on eBay or Amazon. One could also sell old scrap books by advertising it to different people at the local community center or by putting up posters around the neighborhood.