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A mobile home can be purchased through an owner, a realtor, or even online. Mobile Homes can be listed online or in other places such as the news paper for sale.

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Q: Where can one purchase a mobile home?
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What exactly is a mobile home grant and how do I apply for one?

A mobile home grant is a grant that you can get when you are seeking out a mobile home for purchase. You can apply for one at a local real estate agency.

Where can one purchase used mobile homes?

One can purchase a used mobile home directly from the current occupant. Additionally, mobile home retailers can carry used stock. Check local classified ads or contact a local retailer.

Where could one purchase a Coleman mobile home furnace?

There are a few places that have Coleman mobile home furnaces for sale. One can find these Coleman furnaces on the Mobile Home Furnace website but they are also available on eBay.

Where can one purchase a furnace for a mobile home?

A furnace for a mobile home can be purchased from all good heating stores. For example, visit webpage stores such as 'alpine home air' to find this type of product.

Where can one purchase QuietRock products in Mobile Alabama?

There are many places where one can purchase QuietRock products in Mobile, AL. One can purchase QuietRock products in Mobile, AL at Builders Supply Limited.

Mobile Home Sales?

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Where can one purchase a used mobile home?

the best place to look for a mobile home would be in your local paper or to contact your local realtor. Doing this will keep you up to date on the newest mobile homes put on the market and to schedule a showing.

Where can one get a good deal on loans for purchising mobile homes?

The best way to find out if one can get a loan to purchase a mobile home is to speak to a financial adviser at a bank. They can advise if a loan is possible.

Should I purchase mobile home insurance?

Yes, you should definitely purchase mobile home insurance. Manufactured housing is particularly susceptible to damage in fires, storms, and other acts of nature.

From which stores can one purchase Camera Mobile Phones in the UK?

One can purchase Camera Mobile Phones in the UK from shops like Sony, Nokia, T-mobile. One can also purchase Camera Mobile Phones online in the UK from Bestbuy, Amazon and Argos.

How can you get your mobile home certificate of title if the mobile home company went out of business?

Take your bill of purchase or proof of ownership to the State DMV.

Do you have to pay sales tax when you buy a used mobile home?

In some states you do have to pay the sales tax on the purchase of a used mobile home.