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aboriginal people invent the canoe at midday

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Q: When did aboriginal people invent the canoe?
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Who was the first aboriginal that made the canoe?


What was the aboriginal people's transportation in North America?

took the bus they walked on land and used canoe to go on water

What is the aboriginal people's transportation on land?

Canoe or by foot. Until the Europeans introuduced horses to the First Nations when they arrived.

Which Canadian Aboriginal used the dugout canoe?

the plains peopls

Why did the aboriginal people called a canoe a canoe?

i do not no so tell me now i need it for a project.Well, they didn't. There is no one aboriginal language, and they were called by different names (and there are different types of canoes).The early explorers in the Americas dubbed them canoes- actually, canoas- from the Spanish word. So it was Columbus, and not a native group that named them. By the way, in Cherokee, it is called a tsi-yu u-s-ti

How many people can be in a canoe?

Like 50 for racing canoe's normal canoe's like 3 or 2 people.

What moves a canoe?

The force of the person/people who are in the canoe that's why we use paddles in a canoe or paddle boats.

Where do aboriginal people stay?

Aboriginal people are found and live in Australia.

How do you make sentence for aboriginal?

aboriginal people were one of the first people

What do aboriginal spears do?

Aboriginal spears kill many animals and the aboriginal people cooked and ate! But some people steel aboriginal children and treat them terribly.

Where do people canoe?

In water

Who made aboriginal dot paintings?

Aboriginal people