When a sail boat overtakes a power boat the power boat is the stand on vessel.
When one boat overtakes another, the overtaking vessel is considered the give-way vessel no matter what it's powered by.
When one boat overtakes another, the overtaking vessel is considered the give-way vessel no matter what it's powered by.
When one boat overtakes another, the overtaking vessel is considered the give-way vessel no matter what it's powered by.
the powerboat must yeild to the sail boat
When a sailboat overtakes a powerboat, the powerboat is the stand-on vessel. (Ref: SB-29)
When a sailboat overtakes a powerboat, the powerboat is the stand-on vessel. (Ref: SB-29)
When a sailboat overtakes a powerboat, the powerboat is the stand-on vessel. (Ref: SB-29)
power boat
power boat
The question should be "When is the sailboat the stand-on vessel...? The answer is if the sailboat has an engine and if it is in operation, the sailboat is treated as a power boat in determining stand-on status. The right-of-way would then follow the rules for power boats.