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Q: What water currant has the greatest effect on which type of boat?
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Displacement sailboat

What water current has the greatest effect on what type of boat?

Displacement Sailboat

Water current has the greatest effect on which type of boat?

Displacement Sailboat

What current has the greatest effect on what type of boat?

Displacement Sailboat

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How does water skiing effect the water in a river?

The boat has fuel in it so the water gets poluted and without the boat you won't be able to water ski

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The climax is the moment of greatest tension in a story. In The Open Boat the men jump off the boat into the water as the boat overturns as the climax.

What kind of boat does water current effect the most?

displacement sailboat

How does the shape of the boat effect it to sink or float?

The shape of a boat affects its buoyancy and ability to float. A boat with a hull that displaces a greater volume of water will have more buoyancy and float higher in the water, whereas a boat with a shape that allows water to enter easily will sink. Additionally, the weight distribution and design of the boat also play a role in determining if it will sink or float.

How does water resistance effect the boat?

First it slows it down,second it allows you to steer it (rudder and keel).

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Cause: The fisherman's boat sank. Effect: The fisherman had to be rescued.

What was the effect of the steam boat?

The negative effect of a steam boat is that it causes a fire and can explode due to steam pressure.