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Q: What type of garbage can you throw overboard on inland waters?
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What type of garbage can you throw overboard on island waters?


What type of garbage is legal to throw overboard in a boat?

None!!! Well, maybe leftover bait fish.

What type of garbage can you throw overboard oninland waters?

No garbage at all. Even if the garbage is biodegradable, its presence in the enclosed waterway will disrupt the balance of the waterways biomes and could at worst introduce new pathogens. If the garbage is non biodegradable then all it will do is pollute the waterway. Take your garbage home (or dispose of it in the facilities provided at a marina) where, hopefully, it will be processed in a manner that is least harmful to the planet.

What is the boater's responsibility to protect the shoreline?

Part of a boater's responsibility to protect the shoreline is to prevent erosion and to not throw garbage overboard.

Is it allowed throw food waste overboard while vessel is in port?

it is allowed to throw a food waste overboard near the port

To throw goods overboard?

Your word in Jettison

What does 8644 mean?

86 means to throw overboard. 44 means Obama because he is pres. #44. 8644 means "Throw overboard pres. Obama.

Do cruise ships throw garbage overboard?

Maritime law allows dumpng of some types of garbage at a certain minimum distance from land, though most cruise lines voluntarily restrict themselves to discharging only food waste at least 12 miles from shore.

What could be a sentence with the word overboard?

stop being lazy and do it yourself but here is a sentence they throw the boxes overboard

Use the word garbage in a sentence?

I throw the garbage in the trash.

How will you make a ship a cigarette lighter?

throw a cigarette overboard!

What is a word meaning To throw stuff overboard to lighten the load?
