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They should give way.

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Q: What should the operator of a powerboat do when being approached ontheir port side by another powerboat?
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first of all their habit of drinking too much, followed by their sporting prowess, and then their inventiveness.Australians do not all drink too much. It depends upon one's social circle.However, things that Australians are proud of include:Attaining their independence from Britain in a bloodless way, and their patriotismOften being considered "underdogs", yet overcoming this tag to come out on top.Sports indeed feature highly - especially their swimmers, tennis players and cricketersTheir loyalty to their "mates"Their freedom of politics, religion, education and so onTheir love of the outdoorsTo elaborate on the first answer, Australians are proud of their inventiveness. Living in such a harsh and, at time, unforgiving environment, certain adaptations have had to be made. Australians invented the first surf lifesaving reel; the first Hills hoist (for outdoor clothes drying); the stump-jump plough, for ploughing in difficult soils.

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How does a Canonical Hermit contribute to the life and mission of the Church?

As you should know Hermits are people that live a lot ontheir own. We say a person is a hermit if they seem to be isolated, or don't want company. That is not what a Canonical Hermit is about.A canonical Hermit is a person who believes that God is calling him/her to a life of prayer and solitude for the Church. To be canonical they need the approval of their Bishop and usually they work out they way of life with the Bishop before he gives approval. They need to do some work to support themselves.This is normally a ministry agreed upon with the Bishop. They agree to live in this style for a certain period of time, which can then beextended.Some religious people who have lived in an active or contemplative community may also feel called to life as a hermit.They usually work this out with their superior and while they are hermits, they are not classed as canonical hermits. The way of life of canonical hermits usually involves quite extensive prayer periods, living very simply in often away form most people to allow them the silence that is needed. They live in obedience to the Bishop.The ministries they carry out in the active field are usually just enough to earn enough money to live on.The main ministry is one of prayer.Such prayer is like a power house that keep all the active people who don't spend as much time in prayer, graced. Hermitical prayer is always for others. They have the time to enter more deeply into the mystery of God.They also remind the rest of us that God is important and that the mystery of God is just that MYSTERY!!! Prayer is at the heart of being Christian so real hermits are at the heart of the Church. People need to feel the call to respond to such a vocation.The Bishop needs to be careful that he endorses only those who can show by their lives prior to seeking canonical status that this is truly a call from God. Many of the saints felt a call to be hermits for certain periods in their life.Answer:

Is it illegal for first cousins to marry?

A second cousin is a third generation descendant after a common great grandparent, but not through your grandparent's line. Whether or not second cousins are prohibited from marrying each other depends ontheir religiontheir culturecivil law, i.e. the law of the land where they wish to get marriedRELIGION (Canon Law): In the Catholic Church for example, and prior to 1983, second cousins were prohibited from marrying each other. But now the prohibition extends only as far as first cousins.CIVIL LAW: No country legally prohibits marriages more distant than first cousin marriages.SOME REASONS for prohibitions against marrying close relatives:increases potential for multiplying risk of genetic defects in offspring of the unionclear commands in ancient sacred/holy writingsexplicit injunctions placed upon believers, in accordance with canon lawcultural abhorrence of marital arrangements between those known to be blood relatives of each other.FOR THE AVOIDANCE OF DOUBT it is best to check with (i) the civil marriage authorities, and (ii) the appropriate religious authority.To find out if marriage between second cousins is culturally unacceptable, talk about it to those of your culture, and you will soon find out!See 'Related links' below for more information about prohibited marriages.