Pilot boat is a boat carrying a pilot. Pilot is a local captain who boards a vessel ( ship ) to navigate it into a habour or port. A boat carrying a pilot for embarkation on a ship or after disembarkation from a ship is a pilot boat. Under COLREGS it is required to show a white over red all round lights for identification. No special privledges for for this boat under colregs. A pilot boat not carrying a pilot is not considered a pilot boat but a normal power driven vessl.
A pilot drives and maneuvers a boat depending on where it is going.
No, his partner, which was also a pilot, grounded the boat.
A steamboat pilot
It depens what kind of pilot......
A sentence for the word pilot is " The pilot has to fly into Tokyo tonight." You may split the wood if you don't drill a pilot hole first. I can pilot your boat through these waters easily.
down at the seashore
depends on the kind of boat :)
his dream is to become a river boat pilot
No, he was not a Navy pilot. He commanded a PT boat, PT-109, during World War 2. His boat was destroyed and he won a Navy Cross for his efforts to return his crew to safety.
depends on the kind of boat :)