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Q: What is the weight of a 24 ft pontoon boat?
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How fast is a 22 ft pontoon boat with a 115 hp?

26 mph

Estimated weight of 20 ft pontoon boat and trailer?

The trailer is the big variable here, but the my 20' pontoon boat weighs about 1600 pounds with all the furniture on. The trailer will probably weigh about 1600-1800 if it's made of steel, so about 3200 lbs is probably about right.

How fast is a 22 ft pontoon boat with a 90 hp?

25-28 mph

What is the weight and dimensions of a 26 ft boat?

What is the weight and dimentions of a 26 ft. Boat

How much aluminum is in a 20 ft pontoon boat?

about 400 pounds I just scrapped out an 18 foot sweetwater/godfrey pontoon boat. got 390 pounds of aluminum, at $0.40/pound yielded $156. 200 pounds was in the railings and deck braces, 190 in the actual pontoons. after disassembling, all most of the weight of the boat is in the plywood deck, the rest in the seats/upholstery

What can carry a 24 ft boat?

a bus

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What is the weight of a 16 ft Century Resorter ski boat? this is a wood boat

Does a trailer for a 20 ft Pontoon Boat have to be exactly 20ft how much longer or shorter could it be?

Well let's see....How about 20'? sounds about right.

How many people will a 20 ft pontoon boat hold?

This depends on the boat itself, length alone is not the determining factor. Every boat should have a specification plate on the right side of the transom (the rear board of the boat that the motor or sterndrive is attached to). This plate gives the model and serial number of the boat. It also included the maximum number of people or maximum weight of people and gear. It is important to respect the max weight for the stability of the boat at all speeds.

What is the weight of a 16 ft aluminum boat?

598 lbs

How do you calculate your boat's weight?

1980 campion 18 ft

Pitch size for prop on 50 hp evinrude for 20' pontoon boat?

I have a 12x22 on my 50 hp merc-2010 model , pushing a 20 ft. Toon. Does great.