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Q: What is the instrument used in seeing objects at the surface of the water from a submarine under water?
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magnify glass
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Words that have scope in them?

Microscope - an instrument used for viewing objects that are too small to be seen by the naked eye. Kaleidoscope - a tube of mirrors containing loose, colored objects such as beads or paper, whose reflections produce changing patterns when the tube is rotated. Periscope - an instrument on a submarine or ship for seeing above the water or the horizon.

Instrument that makes small distant objects visible?

An instrument that makes small, distant objects visible is a telescope. Binoculars and scopes are also used for seeing long distance.

What Instrument used for seeing stars and planets is?


Periscope in a sentence?

As a "periscope" is an instrument for seeing above a surface of some kind (usually water) from below it, its use will typically occur in sentences dealing with military, exploration, or scientific subjects. Just one example would be, "The submarine was discovered by the scout plane through a fortuitous accident: the sunlight flashed off the glass lens of its raised periscope, revealing its location below the surface."

What instrument is used for seeing stars and a planet clearly?

A telescope is commonly used to see stars and planets clearly in the night sky. Telescopes work by gathering and focusing light to magnify distant objects, allowing observers to see them more clearly and in greater detail. Telescopes come in different types and sizes, suitable for various astronomical observations.

Do people who wear eyeglasses have poor seeing quality?

Often they do. Most often they either have one of two conditions: they have trouble seeing far away objects clearly or they have trouble seeing close up objects clearly.

What is the antonym for submarine?

Seeing how submarines are designed to move underwater, the antonym that makes the most sense would be airplane.

What is the defernition for bifocal?

Bifocal is a type of corrective lens. Bifocal lenses are divided into two sections, usually the top for seeing far away objects and the bottom for seeing nearby objects.

When instrument used for seeing stars and planet clearly?

Usually during the night.

What two ways do astronamers discover exoplanets?

Either by actually seeing it with telescopes, or by seeing the effect that it's gravity has on nearby objects.

Who began the concept of seeing objects from different viewpoints into the same?

Paul Cezanne

What is the disease of the eye that results in a person not seeing distant objects?

short sight