557 miles.
It is 559.90 according to MapQuest.
Los Angeles is the furthest west among Spokane, Reno, Los Angeles, and San Diego. The longitudinal coordinates of these cities are as follows: Spokane (-117.4260), Reno (-119.8138), Los Angeles (-118.2437), and San Diego (-117.1611). Therefore, Los Angeles, with a longitude of -118.2437, is the westernmost city among the four options provided.
Olancha, CA
Nope. San Diego is directly south of LA and Reno is east of LA.
The driving distance between San Diego and Las Vegas is 332 miles.
There are about 2581.619 miles between San Diego, CA and Boston, MA.
The driving distance between San Diego and DC is about 2,646 road miles.
Sailing distance between San Diego and Ensenada is around 73 nautical miles.
556 miles
The distance from Reno to San Jose is 248 miles.
The driving distance between San Antonio TX and San Diego CA is 1,275 miles.