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A boat hull needs to meet two main needs; the load to be carried, and the resistance to its flow in the water.

A rowing skiff has only a light load to be carried, but must offer as little drag as possible. Lowering the drag is accomplished by making this boat long and quite pointed, and the skin is made quite smooth. The structure of the boat frame should be very stiff to avoid the skiff bending. The mass of the skiff should be such that it barely floats when loaded - any excess freeboard is excess weight.

A container ship on the other hand, tends to be (not quite) flat bottomed, so as to maximize the cargo space. It has a high freeboard to enable it to weather stormy seas without shipping water. (As distinct to an oil tanker which, since the cargo is totally contained, it is not important whether some of the ship becomes awash.)

The bow of a large ship these days will usually have a submerged bulbous bow, designed to provide an enhanced water splitting ahead of the ship, thereby reducing drag. The steel plates of which the hull is made, will be welded rather than riveted, again to minimize flow resistance.

In general, longer boats can travel faster than short ones, due partly to bow wave effects. Short boats such as tugs, traveling at speed, will spend all their time climbing up their bow wave. This is an expensive exercise.

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How does hull shape affect the speed of a boat? When trying to get the most speed out of your boat, you may want to consider how the hull shape affects the speed of the boat. "Hydrodynamic" is a term that is used when determining the motion or flow of water. It is similar to the more familiar term "aerodynamic," which relates to the flow of air. The speed of a boat is correlated to its hydrodynamic efficiency, and the hydrodynamic efficiency is determined by the shape of the hull of the boat. The hull of the boat is the first area to be hit by water as you speed forward. A round or square hull will connect with the water like a force that is pushing against it. As the force of the water hits the boat hull straight on, the boat must push the water out of the way before it can attain optimal speed. This limitation of the boat's ability to get to a higher speed quickly is known as drag, and is affected by the hull shape. A boat hull shape that is pointed allows the water to flow around the boat quickly. The less water that the hull needs to move out of the way, the faster the boat will go. How hull shape affects the speed of a boat is one factor that the military had taken into consideration when they started to build the V-shape hull design. This shape offers the most hydrodynamic efficiency, which gives the military a boat that can cut across water with little drag and perform well at high speeds.