The year model for a Johnson outboard, is determined by use of the engine model number. The model number is recorded on a metal tag, for early models, riveted to the side of the stern, or clamp bracket. On late model engines, the number is displayed on a decal, affixed to the swivel bracket. PLEASE SHOW ME AN EXAMPLE
With Johnson outboards, we cannot tell you the age from the serial number. If you tell us the HP of the engine, and it's model number (usually on the clamp bracket), then we can tell you how old it is.
A 50hp Mercury outboard, serial number 5951056 is a 1982 year model.
To determine the age of a Mercury outboard, you will need to know the engine serial number, and the horsepower rating.
An 50 hp Mercury outboard, serial number 6276691, is a 1983 year model.
A 9.8hp Mercury outboard, serial number 1580146, is a 1963 year model.
Two things are needed to determine the age of a Mercury outboard, the serial number, and the horsepower rating. The model designation cannot be determined by use of the serial number.
Two things are needed to determine the age of a Mercury outboard, the serial number, and the horsepower rating. The model designation cannot be determined for the Mercury by use of serial number.
In addition to the serial number, the horsepower rating is needed to determine the year model.
Johnson outboards uses the model number, to determine the age of the engine.