Consult up-to-date charts, and keep a weather eye out.
Sit down
The term for the depth of the water needed to float a boat clear on the bottom is called "draft." It is the distance between the waterline and the bottom of the boat's hull. The draft of a boat is important to know to avoid running aground in shallow waters.
Running aground, resulting in being "grounded", or aground. Run Aground. Should a vessel run aground and there be a tide that has receded enough to show the sea bottom, the vessel is said to be "high and dry." Also known as "Beached"
If your boat runs aground, check to see if anyone's hurt, and render assistance as necessary.
The boat ran aground on the lake's sandbar.
If a vessel is aground on another boat, it must have had a collision with the boat it is aground on. The coastguard will therefore be investigating the scene with a view to prosecuting one or other of the vessels captains.
If your inboard outboard boat runs aground what action should you take?
You are lucky.
If your boat runs aground, check the safety of passengers, then check for leaks.
It is the boat's draft.
Raise the motor, get out and push the boat to deeper water.