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Q: What is being signal when you hear 3 short blast from another vessels horn?
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The danger signal

What sound signal tells another that you wish to pass on your starboard side?

one short blast

What sound signal tells another boater that you wish to pass on your starboard?

one short blast

What sound signal tells another boater that you wish to pass on you port side?

on short blast

What sound signal tells another boater that you wish to pass on the port side?

one short blast

What sounds Signal tells another boater that you wish to pass on your Starboard side?

one short blast

What sound signal tells another boater that you wish to pass on starboard side?

one short blast

What is the meaning of one long blast on a ship's horn?

One long blast can mean one of many things: 1) I am turning to starboard 2) In a situation of restricted view (ie turning a blind corner on a river) it's a warning signal to warn other vessels of your presence 3) In fog it is a general fog signal for vessels over usually over 12meters underway (this is repeated every 2 minutes)

What sound signal tells another boater that you wish to pass on the port left side?

one short blast

What sound signal tells another boater to wish to pass on the port left side?

one short blast

What sound signal tells another boater that you wish to pass you port on left side?

one short blast

If another boat signal their intention to pass you from astern what you do?

Depending on which side they intend to pass you on, they should give you and audible horn blast. One blast indicates passing on the starboard and tow blasts indicate passing on the port. Remember to return the same audible horn signal to let them know that you heard them and are aware of their intentions. One blast from them gets one blast from you and so on. The vessel being passed will remain the Stand - on vessel, which means you do not alter your course or speed. They, being the Give-way vessel must alter speed and course to pass.