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Q: What is another name for a river boat with a steam powered Engine That Could travel up or Downstream?
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Riverboat with a stream powers engine that could travel up-or downstream?

A riverboat with a steam powered engine that could travel either upstream or downstream was called a steam boat.

Riverboat with a stream powers engine that could travel up or downstream?

A steamboat is a riverboat with a steam powered engine that could travel up or down stream.

What powered transport before the steam engine?

Before steam engines came into use, travel on land was mostly powered by horse. On water, it was mostly powered by wind.

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large boats?

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The size of the bedload decreases and its roundness increases as you travel downstream due to attrition and abrasion processes. As particles get transported downstream, they collide with each other and the streambed, leading to fragmentation and rounding of the particles over time. This results in smaller and rounder particles being carried further downstream.

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How does the discharge change as you travel downstream?

Because you are adding more water, which makes the discharge greater.

What form will waves have if stone is tossed into smoothly flowing water.?

The same circles will form and travel downstream