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the Sikorsky sea king.

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Q: What is a floating helicopter?
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What do you do to get on the floating helicopter thing in the city in the sky in twilight princess?

Take out your clawshot and aim at it

What stretcher is used for transportation over water?

They either place the person in a helicopter, or put him on a floating stretcher.

What is a purple helicopter?

A purple helicopter is a helicopter of the color purple. Really?

Which is correct an helicopter or a helicopter?

Everybody I know says A helicopter.

Why is there a fantail in a helicopter?

For the helicopter body to be in balance and direction to steer the helicopter.

Who flies a helicopter in the army?

A helicopter pilot flies a helicopter in the army.

How do you get on the helicopter on Counterfeit Island?

There is no helicopter.

Where do helicopter pilot work?

In their helicopter.

Who drives the helicopter?

Helicopter pilots do

How do get the helicopter from the dude and use the helicopter to get the Frisbee?


Is a tiltroter a helicopter or a plane?

it's a helicopter

Where can you find the histori of the helicopter?

in a helicopter musem