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Q: What is a boat made of logs called?
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A boat made by joining logs of wood together?

. a boat made by joining logs of wood toghter

What is the name of a boat that is made of tied up logs?

A raft

What is a house made out of logs called?

a cabin

What is a mud boat?

A mud boat has a low sled with broad runners which logs are hauled in swamps.

How did Lewis and Clark navigate the Missouri River with their boat?

With boats that could be towed by lines(pirogues) and canoes made from logs along the way.

How do water transport material?

Boat and barge or floating logs for logging

What is a boat made of reeds called?


What are loghouses made out of?

they are made out of logs

A man made channel filled with wate and used for boat or forirrigation is called a?

A man-made channel filled with water and used for boat traffic and'or irrigation is called a "canal."

What logs to use for a log house?

newly made logs from trees basicaly

What were the Cherokee Indians houses made of?

Logs roofed with split cedar logs.

What is a boat made of animal skin called?

umiakTraditional kayaks are made from seal skins.