Celebrities may make fake twitter accounts, but more often, fake accounts are made about a celebrity. This can be done by using celebrities' names (i.e., Barack Obama) or just about the celebrity (Chuck Norris facts).
some people do it to just make different accounts. i dont really no. its there own personal thing.
eh, nothing. i made a fake one and they just terminated the account lol.
Make Lots Of FAKE Bebo Accounts. Make Sure They Look Real !!! Send Your Self Three Loves With 10 Accounts For 10 Weeks Yhuu Will Have Millions LOL :P
You should contact Twitter to deal with fake accounts.
No, there are various fake accounts and fan accounts but he doesn't personally have one.
Fake Facebook accounts can be found on Facebook itself. There are many websites on the internet which will tell you how to detect a fake facebook account. There are even a few that will teach people how to create such accounts.
No Zayn does not. Any accounts are fake.
If you want to know which is a fake account and who is not: Ask him/her to video chat and if they dont accept it it means that they are fake and they are not real! And you have to be careful because its easy to make a fake account and they can do every proof in an easy way!
Making a fake drivers license or official identification card is a crime. You could go to prison.
It depends. When you make a membership, it askes you the year you were born. You have to be more then 14 years old to be accepted. Today, what kids do, is fake this birth year. So if you fake it, then kids could also have Facebook accounts...
No, but there are lots of fake accounts around.