The best glue for adhering plexiglass to metal is a clear acrylic adhesive specifically designed for bonding these materials together.
White glue will work for that.
by gluing with super glue or Elmer's glue
school glue
Depends what you are gluing.
Sewing buttons on is better than gluing them.
If gluing paper to paper, white glue is best.
Depends on what you are gluing to what, and what it will be exposed to- moisture, heat, etc. If you are gluing paper to paper you can use a thin mix of flour and water as a glue. Wait until it dries thoroughly.
Epoxy is best for gluing glass to wood.
Either use a hot glue gun or some super glue.
Wood glue is better FOR GLUING WOOD than any other type of glue !
Depends what you are gluing it onto - more detail needed please.