"Sub" means below. "Sub" means below. "Sub" means under (or below). "Marine" means sea (or water). Ergo, Submarine = Undersea, or Undersee in German. Underseeboot = Undersea Boat, or U-Boat for short. [Schnellboot = fast boat, or S-boat.] As a noun, submarine is a type of boat that can submerge, but as an adjective it can be used to describe anything which exists under the sea.
the prefix is (sub)
Some words with the prefix sub are: Submarine, Subterranean, Subtext, Subtract, Submerge.
The word "submarine" is an example of a word with the prefix "sub."
The Latin prefix "sub" typically means underneath or below. It is used to indicate a position of lesser importance or status.
Substitute, submarine, subconscious, and subjugate are all examples of the prefix -sub.
"Sub-" as a prefix means under, below, beneath, or near. It is used to indicate that something is lesser in degree, size, intensity, or importance than the root word.
sub, submarinesubtractsublimesubjectsubmergesubmissivesubliminalsubletsubstitutesubconscioussubmitsubmissionsubsidesublimationsubstantial
sub- means below as in submarine, which is a vessel that travels below the surface of the water subway, a system of underground transportation subzero, a temperature below zero substandard, falling below what is expected
Submarine, submersible, subterfuge, subdivide, subheading, subordinate
The prefix "sub-" means below, under, or beneath. It is commonly used in English to indicate something that is of a lesser degree or lower in position.