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A periscope looks like a long pipe with a bend on either end. One bend faces a direction, and the other bend faces the opposite direction.

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Q: What does a periscope look like?
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Related questions

Why is a periscope called a periscope?

The periscope for its purpose is to look around the objects. In greek , 'peri' means around and 'scopus' means to look . hence the name.

What does the captain of a submarine look through?

When at periscope depth, they look through the periscope. It is a prism arrangement that allows good vision around the area. It also provided for gauging distances with a built in range finder.

Explain how can you see periscope to look over a wall?

To use a periscope to look over a wall, you would place the periscope on top of the wall and then look into the eyepiece at the other end. The mirrors inside the periscope will reflect the view from above the wall down to your eye, allowing you to see over the wall without exposing yourself.

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How do you use the word periscope in a sentence?

In paintball wars, a periscope is a handy way to look around a corner without getting shot. With only its periscope out of the water, a submarine was nearly impossible to spot at a distance.

What does the root of this word periscope means?

The root "peri-" in the word "periscope" comes from the Greek word "peri," meaning "around" or "about," and "scope" comes from "skopein," meaning "to look at" or "to see." So, "periscope" essentially means "to look around" or "to observe from an elevated position."

What do you see when you look into the periscope?

When you look into a periscope, you see a magnified view of what is above the surface of the water. Periscopes are commonly used on submarines to enable viewing above the waterline without the vessel having to surface.

How do you use a periscope?

To use a periscope, you look through one end while the other end is extended above an obstacle or around a corner to view something that is out of your line of sight. By using the mirrors inside the periscope, you can see images from a different angle without exposing yourself.

4 applecations of periscope in daily life?

To look over pplz heads

How can you look over a wall with a periscope?

A periscope uses mirrors to reflect light so you can see over obstacles like walls. By positioning the periscope at an angle and looking through the eyepiece, you can view what's on the other side without having to physically climb over the wall.

How was periscope invented?

Although the use of a periscope to look over the heads of a crowd was first known around 1430 the first person to patented it was Morgan Robertson, around 1920.

What is the antonym for periscope?

The antonym for "periscope" is "submerge." A periscope is a device used to see above water, while submerge means to go underwater or be completely covered by something.