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Q: What does a ore look like for a boat?
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How does ore look like?

Ore is a blackish grayish mineral. It is not perfectly round or square, but it is rigedy.

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What is LEGO ore?

A Lego ore is a piece that is used to steer and move the boat.

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He'll look like a man on a boat.

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A York Boat setting its sail

What is ore used for?

it is used 4 rowing a boat

What is the ore used for?

it is used 4 rowing a boat

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Is iron ore transported by boat?

It can be, if access to waterways is inexpensive.

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Oar ( paddle) and ore ( mineral to be mined, such as iron ore)

What does minecraft iron look like?

when you see an ore that kinda looks like "brown" but the rest is gray, than you found iron ore. cook it and the ingot version looks like a silver. The ore is hard to describe, so go on minecraft wiki to check.

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