If you are seeing both a red and green light at the same time from another boat, it means that either that boat is moving almost directly toward you, or something is wrong with the other boat's lights.
i own a boat and fish at night the lights are used at night to warn other boat that they are near for it is hard to see on a lake without and lights.:)
i own a boat and fish at night the lights are used at night to warn other boat that they are near for it is hard to see on a lake without and lights.:)
Making the sound of a motor boat between a woman's breasts. See http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=motor+boat
a mountain
you believe you are evil or the source of your problems. or the beginning of schizophrenia.
See website: Vietnam TIME LINE
A feather generally symbolizes a new beginning as well as hope and luck.
These are signs of him liking you on a friendly level, I don't see anything about that that would mean he likes you anymore then a friend. But you never know, and this might only be the beginning of something more.
The exposition is the part at the beginning where you meet the characters and see the setting for the first time.
If you see both the red and green lights but not the white one, the boat is coming right for you and something's wrong because the white light has to be visible from any angle for a distance of two miles. <<>> If there's no white light it's a sailing boat. If you see red and green the boat is under sail and you are lined up with its bows. A small motor boat also needs a white light high up and visible all round.
Long Time No See