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Q: What creates recircleing currents and turbulent waters that can swamp boats and drown boaters?
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What creates recirculating currents and turbulent waters that can swamp vessels and drown boaters?

A low-head dam.

What creates surface current?

Surface currents are created by air currents, earth's rotation, and positions of the continents.

What creates a continental rise?

Turbidity currents create continental rises.

What iz quatic?

Quatic is when the ocean's currents get gigantic and creates a tsunami.

When the air in the atmosphere unevenly warm by the suns wind currents are the result?

Essentially, yes: the Sun's heat creates convection-currents.

The energy that creates surface ocean currents comes from prevailing winds?


When the air in the atmosphere is unevenly warm by the suns wind currents are the results?

Uneven warming of the air by the sun creates differences in temperature, which in turn causes wind currents to form. These wind currents move air masses around the globe, influencing weather patterns and climate. The interaction of these wind currents can result in the formation of various weather phenomena such as storms, hurricanes, and tornadoes.

Describe the effect of temperature on density currents?

As temperature decreases, the density of water increases, causing it to sink. This creates a density current, where denser, colder water sinks below warmer water. The movement of these currents plays a significant role in ocean circulation and the mixing of nutrients and gases in water bodies.

Would you prefer turbulent flow or laminar flow for whitewater rafting?

As we know, whitewater rafting is in water, in which turbulent flow would be best in the case. Generally because the water will NOT be straight, and this activity is where the water flow is rather rough then smooth. Overall, turbulent flow is best used in this scenario.

When would a murmur be heard in the valve?

A murmur can be heard in a valve when there is turbulent blood flow across the valve due to narrowing (stenosis) or leaking (regurgitation) of the valve. This turbulent flow creates abnormal sounds that can be heard with a stethoscope during a physical examination.

When warm air rises and is replaced by cooler air it creates?

When warm air rises and is replaced by cooler air, it creates convection currents. These currents are responsible for moving heat energy throughout the atmosphere and can lead to various weather phenomena, such as clouds, rain, and wind.

Are winds examples of convection currents?

Yes, winds are examples of convection currents. The uneven heating of Earth's surface by the sun creates temperature variations that cause air to rise and fall, creating convection currents that result in winds.